Projekat o unapređenju praktične politike zaštite potrošača u Srbiji u svetlu pristupanja EU.



U koordinaciji Centra za demokratiju i PONTIS fondacije, podržan je i projekat Asocijacije potrošača Srbije – APOS u okviru koga je organizovano studijsko putovanje u Slovačku Projekat je realizovan tokom maja, juna i jula 2010. godine.


Sakupljanje detaljnih informacija o korišćenju predpristupnih fondova u oblasti zaštite potrošača.


Unapređeno znanje o različitim modelima komunikacije i saradnje između organizacija potrošača i sa državnim organima. Efikasno korišćenje predpristupnih fondova, bolja saradnja i komunikacija između vladinog i nevladinog sektora u oblasti potrošača.

English information

Project title: Experiences from Slovakia:The use of pre-accession funds in the area of consumer protection 
Sector: Strengthening civil society
Name of organization: APOS as an applicant
Location of the action: Serbia
Cost of the action EUR: 3.727,00
Leading manager or partner: APOS as an Applicant 
Donors to the action: PONTIS foundation 3.727,00 
Dates From: 05/ 2010 To: 06/2010
Objectives and results of the action: Short-term objectives a) gathering detailed information about the use of pre-accession funds in consumer protection (challenges faced by Slovakia, projects which have shown the best long-term impact, lessons learned)learning about different models of communication and cooperation for consumer protection NGOs amongst themselves and also with state bodies) seeing one model of catching up with consumer protection in Eastern Europe with Western Europe and learning from this consumer media in Slovakia – what Serbia can learn from this
Long-term objectives: Efficient usage of pre-accession funds consumer protection NGOs and state bodies being more satisfied with communication and cooperation a focused approach regarding consumer protection media in Serbia

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