Projekat Asocijacije potrošača Srbije – APOS je izabran na konkursu Ministarstva trgovine i usluga 2011. godine. Aktivnosti su započete otvaranjem Regionalnog savetovališta potrošača za Vojvodinu.





Osposobljavanje sopstvenih kapaciteta za davanje pojedinačnih saveta i pomoći potrošačima, u skladu sa evropskim standardima, u funkciji uspostavljanja delotvornog sistema informisanja, savetovanja i zastupanja potrošača, kroz saradnju vladinog i nevladinog sektora.


APOS je težio da se uspostave ujednačene procedure, obim i kvalitet informacija i saveta koje se daju potrošačima u svim centrima imajući u vidu i implementaciju odredbi novog zakona.

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English information

Project title: Regional consumer counselling centre for the territory of Vojvodina
Sector: Strengthening civil society, Support to local and regional NGOsas a support to the activities of the Consumer Protection Centre within the Consumer Protection Department of the Ministry of Trade and Services. 
Name of organization: APOS
Location of the action: Serbia, Vojvodina
Cost of the action (EUR): 13.243,80 
Lead manager or partner (role of the Applicant): APOS as an applicant
Donors to the action (name): Ministry of Trade and Services 
Amount contributed (by donor): Ministry of Trade and Services 9.937,00 
Dates From:12/2010 To:06/2011  
Objectives and results of the action: The overall objective of the project is as follows: Qualification of our own capacities in order to provide an individual advice and assistance to the consumers in accordance with the European Standards, with a common goal to establish the efficient system of information, advice and legal representation of the consumers, through mutual cooperation of governmental and non-governmental sector. 
The Project results: The creation of necessary conditions for the proper functioning of all the centers in accordance with the European Standards.

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